PLC communication utility
Robot27 Connect allows PLCs to run Dashboard commands even while a robot program is paused, stopped, or not loaded.
Universal Robots have a robust interface to allow PLCs to control the robot while programs are running. However, if a program is not loaded or is stopped due to a safety condition, PLCs are unable to use that interface without a dedicated function block (and lots of additional code). The Robot27 Connect UR Cap allows a PLC to run dashboard commands on the robot (such as play, stop, pause, restart safety, etc) even while the robot program is paused, stopped, or not loaded with no additional PLC programming.
This software can start automatically each time the robot is turned on by saving the started connection to the default installation file for the robot. By writing specific integer values to an input integer register on the robot, the PLC is able to issue commands while programs are not running. It also allows for the same PLC to obtain and monitor the state of the “is remote” status of the robot by reading a specific boolean output register on the robot.
Call us to learn more
(855) 762-6827
Features and benefits
Issue the following commands to the robot from a PLC connected via Ethernet IP or Profinet:
- Play robot program
- Stop robot program
- Pause robot program
- Shut down robot
- Close popup displayed on teach pendant
- After startup, power on robot systems
- After startup, power off robot systems
- Release robot brakes
- Reset from a protective stop
- Close a safety popup displayed on the teach pendant
- Restart safety systems
- Set output boolean registers with a toolbar
- Change a UR program
How Does It Work?
Robot27 Connect detects changes in the values saved to the selected Input Integer Register under the Control Register mapping. For example, if you wanted to close a safety popup from a PLC, the PLC should write the integer 10 to the control register.
Each time a change is detected in the Input Integer Register, the robot performs the specified action. The software also allows the connected PLC to monitor the Is Remote status of the robot by selecting the appropriate Output Boolean Register under the Status Register mapping. This software auto-starts with the robot, so all of the software’s functionalities are immediately available to the PLC.
Ready to buy?
Purchase 1 – 5 licenses for $695 each here.